Pump Placement - Smart Mist USA

Pump Placement

One of the first considerations when setting up your system should be where to place your pump. Please note that high pressure pumps are not silent. Our pumps are the quietist on the market with levels from 55-60 db depending on the pump. The SM-150 is 56 db while the SM-300 is around 60 db.  55 db is comparable to the noise of an electric toothbrush. If you elect to put the pump on your patio, the sound will be noticeable. The best  location will be around a corner 20-30 ft away in which case you should not hear the pump. You can place the pump up to 50 ft away with the included black high pressure tubing

Of course, you must bring water and power to your pump location. Bring water via a standard garden hose and power with at least a 12 gauge extension cord. 

Next consideration is making sure you have blue tooth connection with the pump from your phone. See the owners manual for instructions on how to download the app and connect with your pump. Do a short on/off test to make sure you are able to control the pump with your phone. If this is successful, you are all set with your chosen location.

Now you must protect your pump from sun and potential rain. We have seen many creative ideas from a dog house to a porch box. Be sure there is ventilation. Note that at the end of the season you will be bringing your pump inside.



